Heating Service

When you invest in a new high-tech heating system without having it properly maintained, you might as well have thrown your money out the window. The best thing you can do is call on the experts at Martino HVAC: Toronto for heating services. Our technicians will come and clean, inspect and maintain your system for peak performance.

Regular heating service can save you money in the long run by catching things early before they become big problems. It can also keep your system running longer and performing better.  This leads to fewer repair bills, less energy loss, and a happier environment.

So contact Martino HVAC: Toronto for heating services today in Toronto, ON, and the surrounding areas!

Average Repair Cost for Common Furnace Parts

Blower Motor $1500
Control Board $900
Ventor Motor $750
Gas Valve $700
Flame Sensor $450
When you sign up for our Martino Maintenance Plan, you get up to 20% off regular prices. Or if you sign up for our Protection Plan, you get 100% coverage (up to $1500 per year).
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